Beaconville Nursing Home
We are a well known and highly regarded specialised dementia nursing home located in an idyllic garden setting in Ivybridge, Devon.
Our Story
Beaconville Nursing Home, in the heart of Ivybridge surrounded by the beauty of the South Hams, has been at the forefront of delivering outstanding dementia care for over 30 years. We pride ourselves in delivering a person centred care approach ensuring that all our residents receive care focused on the individual and not the dementia. We offer a welcoming atmosphere, with warmth and kindness so that our residents feel supported, safe and truly at home.

How We Care
We promote a warm , homely atmosphere where people feel relaxed, supported and safe. Our communal areas are bright and airy with lots of stimulating places where activities take place and items of interest can be found. There are quiet places to spend time in overlooking the beautiful gardens. We encourage bedrooms to be furnished with small items from home, photograpghs, pictures, and other items that personalise their own space.
We welcome viewings at any time.

Care & Nursing
At Beaconville we put care of the individual first and foremost.
We are a highly skilled, trained, professional motivated team. We are supported in delivering outstanding dementia care by the activities and housekeeping teams, together we make up the Beaconville family.
Many staff have been with us for a number of years which ensures we build strong relationships that encourage friendship and trust.
To read our latest CQC inspection report click here
Supporting our residents
It can be a daunting prospect fora person with dementia to move into full time care. We know how frightening and stressful this transition can be for families and friends too. We try to minimise anxiety and distress by meeting the person and their families prior to admission and gaining valuable knowledge through life history work and involving everyone in all decisions concerning care needs. Our residents receive monthly GP reviews and health screenings and have access to chiropody, OPMHT, dentists, SALT, and OT as needed. All care needs are reviewed each month by the Registered Nurse involving families in all ‘best interest’ decisions.
Families are always welcome to join their relatives at Beaconville, share lunch, pop in to have a chat or just sit and read the paper. The family atmosphere is an important part of helping with the wellbeing and happiness we strive for.